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HOLY LAND, HOLY WORK: See and Support the Order of St John's Mission in 2020

Surviving descriptions of Christian pilgrimages to the Holy Land date from the fourth century. If you are a Confrère of the Order of St John and missed JPB's 2019 pilgrimage to Jerusalem, you are invited to join centuries of pilgrims who have made this journey next May (2020).

In partnership with JPB, the pilgrimage will be led by The Rev. Canon Nicholas Porter, KStJ. Pilgrims will visit not only Jerusalem and The St John Eye Hospital, but also Bethlehem, the Jordan River Valley, Jericho, and the Crusader city of St Jean d'Acre. Pilgrims will stay in the American Colony Hotel, located between the hospital and Jerusalem's Old City.

Other Confrères who have gone on Priory pilgrimages have found them to be a voyage of discovery, a life-changing experience that has deepened their faith, strengthened their commitments to the Order, and experienced first-hand the Holy Land and its peoples. They have also formed close bonds with fellow Confrères both during the excursions and while relaxing in lovely settings. The deadline for reservations is November 1, 2019. For more information on Holy Land, Holy Work, please contact: Michele Blair,

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