Summer Institute Application Extension Deadline
February 29, 2020
Holy Land and Jordan Pilgrimage
October 17 - 30, 2020
"Let's Talk About Jerusalem"
February 23, 2020
OUR REFLECTIONS - Stuart and Angie Kensinger
The Rev. Canon Nicholas Porter
"This is a picture of the last time that I saw Stuart alive. It was 10 April. We were having a laugh after a presentation in Washington, DC. Stuart and Angie were always optimists. They seemed to see with the Eyes of God – recognizing the best in every person and the possibilities of every situation. Our hearts are broken, and yet our souls are full with the gratitude of knowing and being loved by two such generous people."

Duna (JPB CT 2017, TX2 2018)
"This picture was a day before we left. He was saying to me he felt bad because I was sick for a few days. I really appreciated him caring about me. He was such an amazing person, I’m so shocked and until now I can’t believe he’s not going to be with us anymore💔it’s heartbreaking! Stuart and Angie are incredible people they will always be in our hearts❤"

Joud (JPB TX2 2018)
"Here we are at the airport last summer when Stuart came to say goodbye. I cannot forget the kind words he said to me. When Stuart finished speaking to the group, he told me "don’t worry I’m leaving TX in April to come and visit you!", but unfortunately he left it forever.. may Stuart and Angie r.i.p❤"
Marsel (JPB TX2 2017, VT 2018)
"Hello my dear friend. It has been long since we last spoke, and I miss our conversations. It feels as if not long ago we shared that warm summer light in the camp. Together we stood, smiling and discussing, not knowing what would come to the days that we had together. I found comfort in your words as they've sticked with me throughout this journey of mine. Through the hard times of struggle, I found comfort in the memory of you, and the fact that I would never get to tell you about what I have seen through my journey, makes my heart break. I look back at it now and I can only think of the purpose in why you bonded us together as we became a family. Through JPB you gave us love, courage, cherished memories, advice, and most importantly, hope. You brought us all together and gave us something that we could not give ourselves, and for that I am forever thankful for you, Stuart. Your memories with us shall live on and on in our hearts, I know that I will never forget that same warm summer light that brought us all together, which I still stand under today.I shall continue in this journey of mine with your memory, till we meet again.
الله يرحمك صديقي ❤"

Forat (JPB TX2 2018)
"I don't think any of us forget their smile while they were putting food on our plates each day during the camp. I remember waking up after 4-5 hours of sleep so tired and sleepy but their smiles and Stuart saying “good morning Mr.president!” always filled me with energy and happiness. I’ll never forget the 10-minute conversation we had that led me to decide what i’m going to do in the future, may their souls rest in peace❤"

Gabi (JPB Friend)
"I’m Gabi the son of Abraham who is a very good friend of Stuart Kensinger. My father has known Stuart for many years and he used to see him every year with Nicholas Porter. I woke up looking to my father and he was so sad. I asked him what’s wrong, he responded that a very good friend and his family died in a terrible accident. He told me how he always helped him specially here as a Christian guy in the Holy Land, and he was in love with icons. He was a fantastic individual who will be greatly missed everyone who knew him. I would like to extend my deepest sympathies to you and your family at this time. Stuart and his family will always be in our prayers."
Sharehan (JPB TX2 2018)
"I am really shocked, I cannot believe it. They were an Angels, I love them so much.
May their souls rest in peace."
Ghenwa (JPB TX2 2018)
"It's really hard to believe they're gone, they were so kind and generous. May their souls rest in peace, they will be forever missed."
Vuval (JPB VT 2014)
"I'm completely shocked, Stuart and Angie were the kindest people I've ever met, this is a massive lost to us and to the whole world... May they rest in peace."

Mohamad Jarrad (JPB TX2 RA 2018)
"I will always remember his words to me on the last day and his laughs when we met after the program in Ramallah, May his soul rest in peace."