MULTIPLE IN-SCHOOL PROGRAMS OPEN IN GALILEE: Nazareth and Haifa schools welcome new opportunities

In January, JPB Regional Director, Jack Karn, arrived to Nazareth in the Holy Land. For the next four months, Karn will be leading several in-school leadership and peacebuilding programs around the Galilee region. Balancing responsibilities with JPB, he will also be volunteering at Christ Anglican Church in Nazareth as part of a growing partnership with the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem.
With two leadership programs previously confirmed, Karn quickly went to work, reaching out to local schools and potential partners to explore advancing JPB's mission through launching additional programs. Opening doors and moving mountains, his efforts paid off with two additional schools deciding to invite JPB into their halls. In total, Karn will manage and lead four in-school programs at: St. John's School, Haifa; Christ School, Nazareth; the Latin Patriarchate School, Reineh; and St. Joseph's Seminary and High School, Nazareth. With other schools also inviting JPB to visit and present its year-round programming to their students, our prolonged presence and impact in the northern region of Israel is assured. In reflecting on his first three weeks back in the Holy Land, Jack states:
"What a joy and privilege it is to serve God and JPB in the
Holy Land through recruiting and training the next generation of
young Israeli and Palestinian leaders and peacebuilders. I am amazed
at the recent surge in demand for JPB programming and support for
our work. It is good to be back."
~Jack Karn