Early June saw Fr. Nicholas and Dorothy Porter in their former home of Geneva, Switzerland. The week-long visit had two objectives: 1) to preach at the Porters’ former parish, Emmanuel Church and 2) to explore further the possibility of relocating a JPB summer youth institute to Geneva. Thanks to several members of the church, Fr. Nicholas met a local English-speaking imam and rabbi as well as individuals well connected with the United Nations and affiliated NGOs. All expressed enthusiasm about working with JPB. Among the highlights was a very positive meeting with Ambassador Wolfgang Amadeus Brülhart, the Swiss Foreign Ministry’s Special Envoy to the Middle East and North Africa. The JPB Board is now discussing relocating a summer program to this hub of diplomacy and human-rights as early as July 2024.

Fr. Nicholas with with Ambassador Wolfgang Amadeus Brulhart, Special Swiss Envoy to the Middle East

Interior of the Grand Mosque in Geneva