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INTERFAITH YOUTH GROUP LAUNCHED IN HOUSTON: Teens activated for service, leadership, and peacebuildi

In December of last year, JPB launched an exciting new domestic program in Houston, TX. Dubbed Interfaith Youth Houston (IYH), the group brings American Jewish, Christian, and Muslim youth together for service-projects, leadership training, dialogue, and interfaith understanding. Our flagship event "Mitzvah Day" was held at JPB's partner synagogue in the city, Houston Congregation for Reform Judaism, in which over 40+ teens participated in making bracelets for veterans, learning about Judaism and Mitzvah, and sharing a pizza lunch.

Jewish and Christian teens serve meals to the needy at The Beacon

Our second event "Beacon Day" focused on learning about Christianity and service with a visit to one of JPB's partner churches, Christ Church Cathedral, followed by a service-project at The Beacon of preparing and serving meals, washing clothes, and handing out donations to the hungry and homeless. This spring, JPB plans to hold two more events focused on volunteering at the Houston Food Bank and visiting a local mosque during Ramadan. In addition to launching new in-school programs, IYH helps bolster our presence and impact in the city. Read about our event at the Beacon in the Jewish Herald Voice!

Sorting laundry and scheduling showers at The Beacon

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