2021 PILGRIMAGE OPPORTUNITY THIS FALL: Jordan & Jerusalem travel in October
The rose-red city of Petra, desert castles overlooking Arabia, majestic Mount Nebo, and the ever inspiring holy sites of Jerusalem – Jerusalem Peacebuilders is offering a unique opportunity for JPB family and friends to experience the peoples, lands, history and faiths at the core of our mission to build peace and interfaith reconciliation. The pilgrimage will be led by JPB Founding Director, The Rev’d Canon Nicholas Porter, an Arabist with an MA in Middle East Studies who has lived, worked and travelled extensively in the Holy Lands.
The dates of the pilgrimage are October 16 – 29, 2021. The expedition will include time in both the Kingdom of Jordan and the Holy City of Jerusalem; an exploration of the foundational holy sites of Judaism, Christianity and Islam; and visits to the impressive Nabatean city of Petra and the Roman – Byzantine cities of Jerash and Madaba; and much more. Along the way, special JPB speakers will share their knowledge of the issues informing the Holy Lands of today.
Basic pricing is approximately $3,450 per person (add $850 for a single supplement), and does not include airfare. Meals and accommodations will be at the Old Village Resort in Petra, the Bristol Hotel in Amman and the Golden Walls Hotel in Jerusalem. For more information and sign-up, visit our website (www.jerusalempeacebuilders.org) or contact Fr. Nicholas at: 203-572-3652 or nporter@jerusalempeacebuilders.org.