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HOUSTON INTERFAITH PROGRAMS ADVANCE: Schools and faith communities further partnership

Over the fall, our programs in Houston surely advanced, both in local schools and faith communities. The strength and trust of existing interfaith partnerships is helping us reach hundreds of participants through online and in-person programming. Our Interfaith Youth Houston program hosted its first event of the 2020-2021 School Year in November focused on Community & Kindness. An impressive turnout of 35+ youth and adults joined from Palmer Memorial Episcopal Church, Houston Congregation for Reform Judaism, and ILM Academy. The strong start to the year has given us great momentum as we plan three more engaging events for the spring term.

In schools, JPB will pilot a very special week-long intensive at The Emery/Weiner School for over 350+ students during the first week of January (look for a full report in February). The gracious help of JPB volunteers, EWS teachers, and our worldwide staff will ensure a successful program. In, addition, our programs will return to other schools in the spring, including St. Cecilia Catholic School and Duchesne Academy of the Sacred Heart.

IYH Participants "join hands in Kindness" via Zoom


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