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Dear Friends,

Thank you for your generous prayers, volunteer involvement, and financial support. The stories below and the short videos that will be released this summer all point to a singular result – abundance. Our educational programs are full, our staff are exceptional, and our alumni are excelling.

In this issue, JPB’s Senior Educator discusses our mission on a podcast, alum Omri speaks about attending Israel’s top medical school, and alum and former staffer Jiries announces his prestigious appointment as clerk at Israel’s Supreme Court. Later this summer, you will hear from alumni Noam, Kamar, Malak as well as grads from our EXCEL teacher-training program.

You have blessed Jerusalem Peacebuilders (JPB) with confidence and resources and the Almighty has multiplied these blessings. The abundance we are experiencing is the result of patience, determination, faith, and generosity. And it is not so much ours, but ours to share with teen leaders, innovative teachers, and women entrepreneurs. This is how lives are transformed and peace emerges.

Thank you, and I hope to see you as a volunteer or visitor at one of our summer institutes.

With gratitude,

(The Rev. Canon) Nicholas Porter

Executive Director, Jerusalem Peacebuilders


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