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Almost on a dare, Dorothy and I completed the Tour du Mont Blanc in early September. The six-day, 125 kms/75 mile, alpine trek completely tested our physical and emotional stamina: we hiked for over seven hours per day, crossed three international borders, and ascended and descended thousands of meters along narrow trails.

The high mountain passes demanded our all, but they led us to new heights and transcendent encounters with the majestic, glacier-crowned Mont Blanc Massif. Surrounded by soaring peaks and silver clouds, we felt as if we were almost touching heaven. We returned home changed people.

Thanks to your prayers, generosity, and volunteering, Jerusalem Peacebuilders (JPB) also reached new heights this summer. Inside this September newsletter, you will read about JPB’s six teacher-training and youth-peacebuilding institutes for over 100 dynamic participants in Jerusalem, Cambridge (UK), New Haven, and Houston. After two years of COVID restrictions, organizing and operating these six institutes in three countries tested JPB’s capacity.

But working directly with these dedicated educational innovators and young leaders felt as if we were almost touching heaven. The result is that JPB enters autumn a changed organization. This summer’s insights, accomplishments, and missteps will fuel a data-driven process of self-identification that will retune staffing, methodologies, and operations for this small non-profit with big aspirations.

Our goal is to climb even greater heights and edge closer to that heavenly day when swords will be beaten into plowshares and children, women and men of all faiths and nations will live together in freedom, safety, and peace.


(The Rev. Canon) Nicholas and Dorothy Porter

Founding Directors


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