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SECOND DECADE FUND: Your generosity facilitates new initiatives

In 2011, JPB began its mission of advancing interfaith understanding and training tomorrow’s leaders with a single ten-day summer camp. Eleven teen participants responded.

In 2020, our robust year-round programming attracted 2,382 Americans, Israelis, and Palestinians – both youth and adults. Today, JPB stands among the most respected and dynamic international non-profit organizations working with youth and educators in the Holy Lands.

JPB’s Board launched the Second Decade Fund to celebrate and amplify these accomplishments. The purpose of the Fund is to provide seed-capital for new programs that will strategically advance JPB’s mission. Who will these programs serve? The answers are found in our first ten years of growth and experience.

Much of our past focus has been on teens and school teachers in the United States, Israel, and Jerusalem. Our work has transformed lives, raised up leaders, and strengthened tolerant middle class families so vital to resilient democracies. This essential peacebuilding work must continue – only it must be enlarged to include new populations like Palestinian 20-somethings from the West Bank and new outcomes like women’s economic empowerment in ways that deepen JPB’s impact rather than dilute it. Customized distance learning, increased local partnerships, expanded summer institutes, and staff development all offer promising possibilities.

The Second Decade Fund will allow JPB to advance interfaith leadership education in integrated and systemic ways that make for peace. The Fund recently opened with ‘seed’ money in the amount of $80,000. We hope you will contact Fr. Nicholas or a board member about making a capital gift toward our goal of $500,000. With your confidence and generosity, JPB will remain a lean, mission-focused organization with outsized impact and energized alumni who are changing the world.


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