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Jerusalem Peacebuilders continues to be a financially strong, young, growing, and vibrant peacebuilding organization. We are leaving 2020 with an operating surplus. Faced with the 2020 pandemic, the board reluctantly (but understandably) replaced the in-person youth camps in the United States with smaller in-person youth camps in Israel, which were later suspended as Covid expanded into Israel. Under the leadership of our executive director, we then redirected our financial energies toward online programing and teacher training services and challenged our team toward creativity amidst the pandemic. Our staff and executive director must be commended for their efforts, and our donors must be thanked for their generosity and trust. Though Covid prevented us from holding in-person camps and training, fundraising for 2020 remained at our 2019 levels, exceeding our revised goals by over 7%, with many program services expanded on-line.

Our Statement of Activities shows good financial health. It is important to take note that our most valuable asset represents our most significant expense, program salaries. We are a teaching organization, and as our primary service comes from a dedicated team of teaching professionals, it remains vitally important that we recognize and support our teaching staff concretely through carefully considered compensation. We believe this is the most secure path toward the long-term success of our mission.


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